3 Central Arkansas Cities Rank Among Most Dangerous in America

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Written By James Beaumont

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A recent study by Money Geek has highlighted the alarming trend of crime in Central Arkansas, with three cities in the region ranking among the most dangerous in the United States. This report is based on the cost of crime per capita, which is a significant indicator of the level of criminal activity in a given area.

Little Rock: Ranked #7

Little Rock, the capital city of Arkansas, ranked #7 among the most dangerous cities in the United States. With a cost of crime per capita of $7,781, this city is a significant contributor to the overall dangerousness of the region. The high crime rate in Little Rock is a major concern for its residents and visitors alike, and it is crucial that the city takes effective measures to address this issue.

Pine Bluff: Ranked #6

Pine Bluff, a smaller city in Central Arkansas, ranked #6 in the study with a cost of crime per capita of $7,935. This high ranking is a testament to the significant crime problems faced by the city and its residents. The city needs to take a proactive approach to addressing crime, including investing in community programs and law enforcement initiatives that can help reduce the incidence of criminal activity.

North Little Rock: Ranked #10

North Little Rock, another city in the region, ranked #10 with a cost of crime per capita of $5,494. While this ranking is lower than that of Little Rock and Pine Bluff, it still indicates a significant crime problem in the city. The city needs to focus on implementing effective crime prevention strategies and community engagement initiatives to address the root causes of crime.

What Measures Are Being Taken to Address the High Crime Rates in the Three Central Arkansas Cities

To address the high crime rates in the three central Arkansas cities of Little Rock, Pine Bluff, and North Little Rock, several measures are being taken or have been proposed. These measures include:

1. The Protect Arkansas Act: This comprehensive package of solutions aims to tackle the root causes of crime by protecting communities, victims, and Arkansas’s future. Key components include:

– Eliminating parole and raising minimum prison times for serious crimes to stop the revolving door between prison and society.

– Enhancing victim rights by implementing notification requirements for offender release, addressing sexual crimes involving minors more seriously, and providing courthouse therapy dogs for Arkansas kids who have experienced trauma.

– Cracking down on repeat offenders by treating certain repeat property crimes more seriously and requiring those who recommit while on early release to return to prison and serve their original sentence in addition to new time.

2. Holistic Crime Reduction Strategy in Little Rock: The city is implementing a holistic approach to reduce crime, which includes effective policing and support for organizations that work directly with the city’s youth. This strategy has already led to a decrease in overall violent crime in Little Rock, with violent crime down more than 18 percent compared to 2022.

3. Community Engagement and Intervention: The North Little Rock CARES Coalition, a group promoting non-violence in youth, is working to reach young people early and help them choose a different path. This includes adults who have changed their lives after having run-ins with the law coming in to talk to high school students and school-aged students.

4. Law Enforcement Collaboration: The Arkansas State Police and the Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office collaborate with the Little Rock Police Department and manage crimes that fall under their jurisdiction within Little Rock. This collaboration aims to ensure a coordinated approach to addressing crime in the area.

5. Education and Workforce Development: The governor’s office has emphasized the need for education reform and literacy improvement in Arkansas, recognizing that 70% of those incarcerated cannot read at a fourth-grade level. This focus on education and workforce development is seen as crucial in helping those incarcerated overcome addiction and ultimately reducing crime.

These measures demonstrate a multifaceted approach to addressing the high crime rates in the three central Arkansas cities, focusing on both punitive and rehabilitative strategies to create a safer environment for residents and visitors alike.


The study by Money Geek highlights the pressing need for effective crime prevention and reduction strategies in Central Arkansas. The high crime rates in Little Rock, Pine Bluff, and North Little Rock are a major concern for the region and its residents.

It is crucial that these cities take a proactive approach to addressing crime, including investing in community programs, law enforcement initiatives, and community engagement. By working together, these cities can reduce crime and create a safer environment for all.

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